Surf Principles

Launching & Landing

Discussion of Different Wave Types

Discussion of Beach Topography

Discussion of Signals, from the “Beach Boss”

Discussion of “Leveraging the Rip”

Low Bracing / High Bracing

Practicing Staying Up WITHOUT a Paddle

Rolling or Self- Rescues in Surf Zone

Safety Considerations in the Surf Zone

Catching the wave (max 4 strokes)

Trim, how we control our speed

Stern Ruddering using the full body

“Bongo” Surfing, why we DON’T like it

Surfing Perpendicular to the Wave (Straight)

Exiting the Wave, Low Brace Turn (Shed the Speed)

Back Surfing…..WHAT !!!

Surfing with paddle in One Hand / Then No Paddle !!

Just in case ” Towing in the Surf Zone”

Surfing with Eyes Closed, feel the Environment

Emergency Procedures for Pending Crash

Position of Boat / Body / Wave , if out of boat , if Helping in a Rescue