Basic Course Information
ACA Letter
Video Level 3 ICW

Level 1-2 some pictures
Level 3 some pictures
Level 4 some pictures
Level 1
Calm, water, protected from wind, waves and outside boat traffic, with no apparent current and within swimming distance of shore.
Level 2
Protected water near shore with winds up to 10 knots, waves up to one foot, and current up to one knot.
Level 3
Two of the following conditions necessary for assessment: 10-16 knot winds, 1-2 foot seas, 1-2 foot breaking waves (surf)
Level 4
Open water, wind 11-15 knots, surf to 3 feet and current to 3 knots…must have 3 of 4 conditions present.
Please call or email with any questions:
843 817 3138
ACA Course Certification Calendar